My show Doors Open / Doors Close is currently up at Ceres Gallery, through January 28, 547 W. 27th, 2nd floor. Tuesday-Saturday noon-6, Thursdays noon-8.
Lines: my favorite formal element.
Doors: my current favorite thematic element.
And then you are inside.
I've built Doors Open / Doors Close with door frames that have open panels, so that there are visible lines, and changing shapes with the movement of the viewer. On the outside, a stark maze of doors, both sheltering and exposing, and like all shelters, you don't know who is inside.
Inside this shelter, collages and poems by women who live in domestic violence shelters, expressing every emotion: grief, trauma, anger, and hope. These women have fled their homes leaving everything behind in search of safety for themselves and their children.
Doors Open/Doors Close, partial outside view